Offering a year-round outdoor pool with Texas-shaped lazy river Marriott Marquis is located in the heart of Houston Texas just a few steps from George R. Brown Convention Center and Discovery Green Park. The hotel features 6 on-site restaurants full-service spa and a 24-hour fitness centre. All rooms include a flat-screen TV with cable and premium channels. A coffee maker fridge and ironing facilities are provided. The private bathroom is equipped with a hairdryer and fee toiletries. Some rooms have a view of either the lazy river or Discovery Green Park. Guests can dine at Biggio's serving dishes of American cuisine or Xochi headed by award-winning chef Hugo Ortega providing Mexican food and drinks. Cueva wine bar offers tapas and over 200 kinds of wine. Breakfast is available at Texas T coffee house or Walker Street Kitchen. Minute Maid Park home of Houston Astros baseball team is only 250 metres from Marriott Marquis Houston while Toyota Center and BBVA Compass Stadium are within a 5-minute walk. The nearest airport is William P. Hobby International Airport 15 km away.
Disclaimer: The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual hotel room. The room layout, furniture, amenities, and view may vary depending on the availability and location of the hotel.
“El salón de eventos hermoso, exelente atención, la comida deliciosa, los baños impecables.”
— Luna Luna
“Muy hermoso hotel y recomendable , pero una cosita deberían darle mantenimiento a los números del ascensor no se vehían bien los números me toco el 19 y vehia solo 9…”
— Ronnier P.
Customers review
Overall Excellent, 4.3
Location 5
Cleanliness 4.6
Comfort 4.6
Neighborhood 4.7
Amenities 4.4
Condition 4.6
Recomendation 81.4%
Luna Luna
Sep 24, 2022
El salón de eventos hermoso, exelente atención, la comida deliciosa, los baños impecables.
Patrick Da Silva
Sep 24, 2022
Ele menor de Houston
Hebert Closs
Sep 24, 2022
Matt Straw
Aug 27, 2022
Alguns bons, outros nem tanto. Definitivamente não vale o preço do quarto, mas ainda é um hotel muito bom O bom: -A mulher na recepção foi incrível. Muito gentil e prestativo e cheio de energia. - A localização. Não precisei usar meu carro durante todo o fim de semana - tudo estava a uma curta distância, além do aluguel de bicicletas do hotel para usarmos. -A Piscina, Amenidades.O mal: -O banheiro funcionou a noite toda - Tive que pagar US$ 35/noite para estacionamento. Você pensaria que pagando US $ 300 + por um quarto, eles poderiam compensar o estacionamento - Saí do meu quarto para ir à piscina e havia cerca de 15 policiais 2 portas abaixo de nós. Eles rapidamente nos desviaram para o lado oposto, mas realmente não se sentiram seguros pelo resto da noite. Não nos disseram o que estava acontecendo ou nos deram um novo quarto. Eles estavam limpando o quarto por horas, e vamos ser honestos, coisas assustadoras aconteceram lá antes (confira artigos de notícias)No geral - foi um bom hotel. Não é ótimo, não é ruim. Eu poderia encontrar um hotel apenas um bom pela metade do preço, mas a área da piscina, restaurantes, bares diretamente ou perto da propriedade foi uma vantagem, pois não tivemos que ir muito longe para entretenimento.
matt straw
Aug 24, 2022
Some good, some not so good. Definitely not worth the price of the room but still a very good hotel
The good:
-The woman at the front desk was awesome. Really kind and helpful and full of energy.
- The location. Didn't need to use my car all weekend - everything was in walking distance, plus the hotel comped rental Bikes for us to use.
-The Pool, Amenities.
The bad:
-The Toilet ran all night
- Had to pay $35/night for parking. You'd think paying $300+ for a room they could comp the parking
- I walked out of my room to go to the pool and there was about 15 police officers 2 doors down from us. They quickly diverted us the opposite way, but really didn't feel safe the rest of the night. We weren't told what was happening or given a new room. They were cleaning up the room for hours, and lets be honest, scary things have happened there before (check news articles)
Overall - it was a good hotel. Not great, not bad. I could find a hotel just a nice for half the price, but the pool area, restaurants, bars directly in, or near the property was a plus since we didn't have to go far for entertainment.
Frank Lenoir
Aug 24, 2022
O hotel em si era lindo, por dentro e por fora. A equipe foi maravilhosa em todos os aspectos da nossa estadia. Tivemos um pequeno problema em nossa chegada, mas a equipe foi cortês, simpática e profissional, e nos deixou felizes muito rapidamente. As características da água da cobertura eram agradáveis e relaxantes. O estacionamento sem manobrista no local poderia realmente usar alguma expansão, mas o manobrista era uma opção aceitável e era super amigável. Também foi estranho não ter um microondas em nosso quarto, mas definitivamente não é um disjuntor de negócio. No geral, tivemos uma experiência fantástica e não podemos agradecer o suficiente à equipe por tudo o que fizeram.
Frank Lenoir
Aug 24, 2022
The hotel itself was beautiful, inside and out. The staff were wonderful in all aspects of our stay. We experienced one minor problem on our arrival, but the staff were courteous, sympathetic, and professional, and had us happy very quickly. The rooftop water features were nice and relaxing. The on site self-parking could really use some expanding, but the valet were an acceptable option, and were super friendly. It was also odd not having a microwave in our room, but definitely not a deal breaker. Overall, we had a fantastic experience, and we can’t thank the staff enough for all they’ve done.
Stacy Lugo
Aug 24, 2022
Wow, my family and I were so disappointed. We took the family down to swim in the Texas pool. Tons of ladies were in thongs, and the swimsuit attire was interesting to say the least. IF there is a dress code it was not enforced. There was green mold on the steps too. The breakfast was delivered to our room, and it was basically a cheap continental breakfast that would be at a cheaper hotel. Nothing was homemade or anything special. There are homeless people all around, and they don't really keep them from approaching your vehicle right in the front where you car is parked by valet. It was an interesting experience for sure, and I know we won't be coming back to this hotel. It definitely didn't feel like a high end hotel at all.
Kristina Iligan
Jul 24, 2022
hospedado aqui para um casamento e adorei cada minuto. Muitos restaurantes e bares a uma curta distância. A piscina e o rio lento eram a temperatura perfeita durante o calor do verão. Meu parceiro e eu ficamos tão surpresos que a comida da piscina era realmente boa - as batatas fritas eram perfeitas. Todos os funcionários foram simpáticos e prestativos. Todo o hotel permanece em excelentes condições. Um dos melhores hotéis de qualidade que já fiquei. Definitivamente recomendo!
Kristina Iligan
Jul 06, 2022
Stayed here for a wedding and loved every minute. Many restaurants and bars within walking distance. The pool and lazy river were the perfect temperature during the summer heat. My partner and I were so surprised that the pool food was actually good - the fries were perfect. All the employees were friendly and helpful. The whole hotel remains in excellent condition. One of the best quality hotels I have ever stayed in. Definitely recommend!
Vanesha Bailey
Jun 24, 2022
Eu fico no Marquis toda vez que estou na cidade. Eles são sempre muito solícitos e a equipe é muito simpática. Os quartos são decentes e os restaurantes são bons. Claro que a minha parte favorita do hotel é a piscina. Duane nas piscinas oferece um serviço de primeira qualidade e sempre se esforça para garantir que os hóspedes tenham uma ótima experiência. Eu definitivamente estarei de volta!
Elizabeth Wise
Jun 24, 2022
Eu realmente gostei da propriedade em si. É uma bela propriedade com uma ótima localização.O lounge (para hóspedes platinum e acima) é muito bom, mas aberto apenas para o café da manhã nos fins de semana (o que é a norma), então não experimentei tudo o que o lounge tinha a oferecer, mas aproveitei o café da manhã.O rio lento em forma de Texas foi divertido para adultos e crianças.Se você passar algum tempo na piscina, certifique-se de manter sua pulseira o tempo todo. Eles vão garantir que você o tenha.A única desvantagem para este hotel foi o serviço. Essa é a única razão pela qual eu não poderia dar 5 estrelas. Eles foram profissionais no check-in e nos deu um quarto com uma excelente vista para a piscina, mas indo para a piscina queríamos pedir algumas bebidas e comida. Nós nos sentamos em uma mesa por 20 minutos e nunca ninguém disse oi ou eu estarei com você. Vimos as pessoas ao nosso redor serem atendidas, mas elas nunca nos ajudaram, mesmo depois de parar mais de um servidor. Eles passaram mais tempo nos perseguindo por causa de uma pulseira do que prestando qualquer tipo de serviço. Se precisar de alguma coisa, recomendo ir e esperar na fila do bar.No geral, gostaria de voltar a este estabelecimento para a localização e entretenimento, mas já estive em propriedades Marriott melhores.
Yany 68
Jun 24, 2022
Nos pasamos el día en la piscina y fue una linda experiencia
David Margulies
Jun 24, 2022
This is a new property in good condition. While it was difficult to get into one restaurant because of events at the nearby arena the food and service were good. My complaint and the reason for a less then stellar review is the parking situation. Locating the parking garage entrance is not easy. The signage is meager. Luckily there was an event going on in the nearby arena so there were people to provide directions. My biggest complaint is that the signage in the parking garage stinks. Good luck figuring out where the elevators are located. Two relatively small signs on a dim background. Luckily I was able to see the connections between the parking garage, hotel and convention center from my room so it was easier to find my car when I left. Thirty dollars per day is a steep price to pay for parking. The valet parking is even more expensive. I know the hotel doesn't own the parking structure but it needs to get better and more clear signs for its guests.
Lucero Rodriguez
Jun 24, 2022
Las habitaciones están impecables, excelente servicio a la habitación, la ubicación es perfecta y la señorita de recepción muy muy amable y agradable
Elizabeth Wise
Jun 17, 2022
I truly enjoyed the property itself. It is a beautiful property with a great location.
The lounge (for platinum guests and above) is very nice, but only open for breakfast on the weekends (which is the norm), so I didn't experience everything the lounge had to offer, but I did enjoy the breakfast.
The Texas shaped lazy river was fun for adults and kids alike.
If you do spend time at the pool make sure to keep your wrist band on at all times. They will make sure you have it on.
The only downside to this hotel was the service. That is the only reason I could not give 5 stars. They were professional upon check in and gave us a room with a great pool view, but going to the pool we wanted to order some drinks and food. We sat at a table for 20 minutes and never had anyone say hi or I will be with you. We watched the people around us get served, but they never helped us even after stopping more than one server. They spent more time chasing us down about a wrist band than giving any type of service. If you need anything I recommend going and waiting in line at the bar.
Overall I would return to this property for the location and entertainment, but I have been to better Marriott properties.
Vanesha Bailey
Jun 05, 2022
I stay at the Marquis every time I’m in town. They are always very accommodating and the staff is very nice. Rooms are decent and the restaurants are good. Of course my favorite part of the hotel is the pool. Duane at the pools offers top notch service and always goes out of his way to make sure the guests have a great experience. I will definitely be back!
Ashley Benton
Apr 24, 2022
Tudo sobre a nossa estadia aqui foi fenomenal. Os quartos eram extra arrumados. As camas eram confortáveis. Estava muito frio para nadar, mas a piscina parecia incrível. Também cometemos o erro de deixar as duas chaves do quarto no nosso quarto. A recepção foi útil e nos teve de volta em nosso quarto em nenhum momento! Minha localização foi ótima. A uma curta distância de toneladas de lugares no centro de Houston. Na próxima vez que estiver em Houston, com certeza ficarei aqui novamente.
Ashley Benton
Mar 26, 2022
Everything about our stay here was phenomenal. The rooms were extra tidy. The beds were comfy. It was too cold to go for a swim, but the pool looked incredible. We also made the mistake of leaving both room keys in our room. The front desk was helpful and had us back in our room in no time! I location was great. Easy walking distance to tons of places in downtown Houston. Next time I'm in Houston I will definitely stay here again.
Selene Arambula
Feb 24, 2022
Mala estadía, dejamos mi camioneta con uno de los valet parking y cuando la pedimos porque ibamos a salir tardaron mas de 1 hora en llevarla, al final de mi estadia me di cuenta que mi camioneta estaba chocada y le FALTABAN piezas! No lo recomiendo ni vuelvo a hospedarme aqui! 🤢
Ronnier P.
Jan 24, 2022
Muy hermoso hotel y recomendable , pero una cosita deberían darle mantenimiento a los números del ascensor no se vehían bien los números me toco el 19 y vehia solo 9…
tata Yadianis
Sep 24, 2021
Si la temperatura está un poco baja no recomiendo ir ya que la piscina en esta en un piso alto y hace demasiado viento .Tiene q haber mucho calor para poder disfrutarla bien.Fuera de eso el hotel está buenísimo
Lalo Villa
Sep 24, 2021
Estuvo bien , te cobran hasta por respirar !!! Hasta los camastros en la alberca tienen costo. Pedí salida tarde y como miembro BONBOY ...No tuve ninguna clase de beneficios... A todos les daban la salida a las 13:00hrs... Yo pague 100 USD por 2 horas más !! Lo que vale la pena de este hotel es la alberca !!! Súper !!!
Great area great vibe
Although a bit pricey on the per night charge this hotel gives an excellent vibe is walking distance from Toyota center and amazing decor , the exam sized pool is a dope concept and really fun to...
Alexis L
AmaZing hospitality!! Iâll be back!!
I am a consultant, and travel every week for work. That being said, I see a lot of hotels. I was absolutely WOWâed by my stay at the Marquis. Elisa at the front desk was incredible, and Thomas at the...
Mike G
Great Work Event at this hotel!
Just recently stayed here for a week while attending our companies annual conference. The room was fantastic, the view of the pool was amazing! the M club was one of the better Marriott clubs I've...
Service is unfortunately not their forte
I was been a travel host for the US government for 5 years (for Visit the USA) so to say I know how service should be in a hotel is pretty valid.
I am still currently staying here. I booked a king...
Noisy Hotel
We thought being on the 23rd floor we wouldnât hear much noise but we were absolutely wrong. Every night you could clearly hear the music, down to the song, playing from the pool area until well...
Parking sucks and way over priced
The stay was nice, but the $65 parking was horrible. The price of parking is so over priced and to have to wait 25 minutes to get my vehicle after paying that $65 left a really bad feeling about...
They let people with COVID in!
Poor assistance, they donât mind if people have COVID they rather not to change their dates to stay better than accepting people who have COVID. Unacceptable flexibility due to a pandemic in...
Great staff (mostly), lousy hotel
Front Desk, coffee shop, and conference center staff were friendly and helpful.
- Facilities are aging, sure - but *every toilet (hotel room and conference center) required holed down the...
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