Phone Number 966437868
Residence Inn St. Paul Downtown
200 Grand Avenue, Near Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul, MN 55102, United States
Price Level

Residence Inn St. Paul Downtown, St. Paul

Residence Inn St. Paul Downtown

Make yourself feel at home during your short or extended stay at Residence Inn St. Paul Downtown. From the moment you check-in, you'll experience all of our safe and ultimate conveniences. Just steps away from our hotel you can discover dynamic destinations such as Xcel Energy Center, the Science Museum of Minnesota and Saint Paul RiverCentre. After a thriving day in the Twin Cities, settle into your suite and enjoy our comforting amenities. Prepare a meal in our full kitchens before finishing up tasks at our ergonomic workstations. Complimentary Wi-Fi and flat-panel TVs are the perfect way to unwind before bed. End the night by plunging into our airy bedding and curling up with lush linens and plump pillows to recharge for another exciting day. Awake refreshed and head to our free breakfast buffet to refuel with hearty and healthy morning favorites. Get around town with ease using our hotel's free shuttle service. Enjoy the little luxuries that make Residence Inn St. Paul Downtown feel as safe as your home.

Residence Inn St. Paul Downtown

Price & Availability